Sunday, December 26, 2010

Going 1:1!

There has been an interesting turning point with the use of technology in my classroom. First, it was just a means to complete an activity, then it opened new ways for students to show what they are able to do; now it is integrated in my teaching; as a daily learning and teaching tool. Next year our middle school is going 1:1; all students will have a laptop....and I can't wait!

Yes; there might be some management and logistics to take care and make sure all works smoothly; but essentially they are the same organizational skills we try to teach students when they have to bring and take care of their materials to class. For the last 5 years we have been booking carts; but it the end it has become obvious that we are ready to be a one to one school.

Our World Languages Department is excited; but to be honest; some are a bit overwhelmed as well - fair enough! Nevertheless; I am positive it will take a couple of months before they start seeing the wonderful, teaching and learning moments that can happen. The opportunities to connect around the world, talk to native/proficient speakers of the languages we teach, learn about culture, and visit places virtually; finally opens the doors of our language classrooms to a global community!

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